Complaints policy

Rectory Gas Supplies complaints policy


If you would like to make a complaint, please contact us via

If, for any reason, you are unhappy with our response to your complaint, you can refer your complaint to UtilitiesADR, a division of The Retail Ombudsman, who is authorised by the Government under the Alternative Dispute Resolution service for consumer disputes (competent authorities and informatiom) regulations 2015, to provide an independent review of complaints and dispute resolution services. You will need to refer your complaint to UtilitiesADR within 12 months after our final response.


UtilitiesADR can be contacted as follows:

12-14 Walker Avenue, Stratford Office Village, Wolverton Mill, Milton Keynes, MK12 5TW

T: 0203 598 7390


W: or


Alternatively, you many use the European Commission’s electronic form:”